Some of our wedding customers look for a little added fun and excitement at their reception. Since some guests can be very conservative, even though they are enjoying being a part of your celebration, it might take and ejection seat to get them out of their seats. If your worried about this, maybe it’s time to employ one of our Knoxville Wedding DJ Reception Games. These games can be a lot of fun and can entertain those who are glued to their chairs.
In this game, we seat five lady volunteers in chairs on the dance floor. The bride is seated in one of them. The ladies present their right hand to the blind folded groom. (Some left hands have rings) If the lady’s right hand has any rings we ask them to remove those. It is the groom’s job to figure out which hand belongs to his wife. Funny twist, the last person we can trade out while the groom is blindfolded, with a man’s hand, or a small child’s hand.
To kick this up another notch have the groom feel women’s calves instead. Of course make sure than guy has some hairy legs if you substitute him in.
This time the groom guesses which man is her’s by feeling the faces of 5 men. If the groom is shaven, it’s funny to a volunteer in the mix that has a thick beard. To make it funny you could have the bride run her hands thru the hair of each guy.
In this game your guests have to show the wedding couple how to kiss. A predetermined list of names of some fun couples are given to the DJ. The more fun and wild the couples are the better. The DJ will call out names during dinner and ask them to show the brand and groom how to kiss, since of course they are newbies. After they are done with their demonstration, the newlyweds have to imitate how they did it. This can get a little crazy depending on how wild and fun your friends are.
The bride and groom sit back to back in chairs not he dance floor. The bride should be holding one of her she’s and the groom one of his. You ould also use different colored ping pong paddles or a Ken and Barbie Doll. The MC will ask the couple a series of questions to show the guests how well they know one another. The couple are not allowed to speak since they are sitting back to back, and they won;t be able to see each other’s responses. After each question the bride and or groom answer by raising their shoe. Of course in many cases the bride and groom raise their shoes at the same time which makes for some hilarious moments. Here are some sample questions….
Who holds their alcohol better? Who is the biggest baby when they get sick? Who is always running late? Who is a bed hog? Who made the first move? Who cleans more? Who does most of the cooking? Who is grumpier in the morning? Who is the best kisser? Who spends more money? Who makes all the decisions? Who mentioned marriage first? Who said “I Love You” First? Who is the first to say “I’m Sorry”? Who snores the loudest?
The last question is always Who is always right?
Many couples give their centerpieces away towards the end of their reception. A simple announcement that the guests can take home the centerpieces can be a bit boring. Here is an idea to make the giveaway a bit more fun.
The most common way to give away the centerpiece is to give it to the person at the table with the birthday closest to the wedding date. If there is a tie have them narrow it down to the hour they were born.
Think about employing one of these fun Knoxville Wedding DJ Reception Games on your big day!